Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!! 2011

Thankgivng is a time for being thankful!!!! and i for one am thankful for A LOT of things like my family, a home, you know the little things we often ignore cause we're used to it so i hope all of you will recognize and aprecciate the little things you have and i hope you all enjoy this Thankgiving.I am practically am gonna stuff my self with food today lolz.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I have finished zafaria and am now.......starting it over again!!!!!!

Yes i have just conquered this world and am now doing it ALL over again on my storm wizard Alexis roseflame the siren spell is pretty cool lol i hope you all are doing well and progressing through this new world and by the way HAPPY EARLY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!! our faucet wasnt working today and since its thanksgiving eve all the work is done there!!!!!! the faucet in the kitchen that is. Hooe it works by tomorrow!!!!


Monday, November 21, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

DINGED TO LEVEL 68!!!!!!and hints on new worlds?

Yep today i have officially tamed the beast none has the BASILISK!!!!!
 sry i couldnt upload any photos my computers says theres and error but when i can i will post picks

has for the new worlds things i needed to show you on a pic but i cant upload them so i will tell you in stone town when you have to talk to the elephants in the market one of them starts listing all the worlds she wants to go to she said Marleybone,Mooshu and Avalon and Polaris? Heard of those worlds and even cyrus drake when i went to go get my new spell sais something about Empyrea???

No anything about these worlds cause i dont!!!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

ZAFARIA!!!! i have known about this since 7:00 am!:)

Yep, i knew since seven this morning which was probabaly a bad idea since i couldnt focus on anything at school except for zafaria!!!!! I am thinkign on doing my myth wizards to be the first to quest in zafaria her name is Kimberly legendbane sry i didnt upload i pic i am just lazy like that lol!.

Anyway if ya see her say hi! lol hope you all enjoy Zafaria as much has i am going to!!!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

It turns out my prediction for the test realm was ALMOST correct!!!!!!!!!!

So i did post that test realm was coming tomorrow also known has friday XD anyway i am glad it came even sooner but i kinda want to wait till it hits live realm call me crazy!

You:Your crazy!!!!!!!!!!

Me: -_-

Anyway i hope all of you enjoy test while i restraint myself from going on XD


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


the title speaks for itself i heard that it was but i am not sure if it is i already got my rhino ready XD

Zafaria! i have known about this since yesterday!XD

Anyway i am pretty sure everyone knows about Zafaria now but i cant stop buzzing about it! i already got my rhinosaurus mount ready to go for this new world XD anyway the trailer was very interesting if you have not seen it yet then log on to wizard101 and scroll down to the bottom of the news and youll see it! Anyway i can tell the giant gnome will be the life spell at first i thought that green dragon was but then i saw when it came from the ground it made all the bushes around it die! so i thought it must be  myth cause almost all those spells come the ground XD.The mammoths are so for ice but i kinda thought kingisle good of done better with the ice spell BUT PLEASE DONT GET MAD AT ME FOR SAYING THAT XD.

 The volcano is OBVIOUSLY FIRE! the frankenstein is storm if you saw it attack towards the end of the video and that 3 headed beast must be death or balance at first i thought it was myth but then i saw how the dragon fit better BUT ya never know thats just my opinion ^_^.

Anyway i am totally excited for the new world and plase post comments on your thoughts of the new and exciting world to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!